
HollandWinterWorld™ is a fully integrated indoor leisure & hospitality winter experience with themed fun & impulse shopping, food &beverage, ice & snow- sport & events and hotel facilities, located in a typical Dutch Winter Village setting.

It will offer the guests:

-Shops with winter & fall season retail products.

-Typical ” Dutch Winter F&B ” at  indoor and outdoor locations.

-An Exhibition/Meeting  Venue

-An Ice & Snow Sport/Events Atrium of  5.000 m2.  with Skating, Dutch Cheese Curling, Wooden Shoe Snow Scooters, etc.

-An Ice Cold Virtual  Dutch Winter Experience ” 11 Frisian Cities”.

-A Dutch Winter Themed Hotel  with 360 rooms.

– 200 Holiday homes themed as Amsterdam canal boats.

Here is a video about HollandWinterWorld™

HollandWinterWorld™ is at  connected with a  ” Dutch Beer Brewery Brand Experience” , which is located in a Dutch windmill and barn. The guests can skate or walk to the brewery and  taste a glass of  ” Ice Cold Dutch Beer” made from all-natural ingredients.